
Marshall's Geological Diagrams

Manuscript entitled: "Catalogue of the Apparatus of Philosophical Instruments, in the Collection of Her Late Majesty Queen Charlotte, at the Observatory at Richmond in Surrey"

Invoice from Peel, Williams and Peel for a steam engine supplied to Messrs Coates and Wright

Drawing entitled 'Sectional Drawing for a Steel Protected Cruiser for Colonial Defence to be named'

Stepping No. 1 on or in central wheels. Figure 1. Figure 2. Various unnumbered elevations, plans and details.

Elevation of parts of middle group drawn in plan on No. 127.

Pages 92 and 93 of the Notebook of John Urpeth Rastrick

"Planet" type frame drawing

Plan of Large Garnkirk Locomotive

Plan of Steam Boiler for Susquehana Locomotive

Small Garnskirk (sic) locomotive drawing

Cross-written letter from Miss Smith to Jane Young (nee Hackworth), Vilvorde, Belgium

Pages 54 and 55 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 40 and 41 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 56 and 57 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 108 and 109 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 58 and 59 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 122 and 123 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 46 and 47 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 124 and 125 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 100 and 101 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 90 and 91 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 52 and 53 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 94 and 95 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 96 and 97 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 44 and 45 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 18 and 19 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 84 and 85 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 32 and 33 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 36 and 37 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 68 and 69 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 70 and 71 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 80 and 81 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 72 and 73 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 149 and 150 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 62 and 63 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Fourth front flyleaf and page 1 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 66 and 67 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 134 and 135 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 2 and 3 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 141 and 142 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 128 and 129 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 126 and 127 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 130 and 131 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 147 and 148 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 116 and 117 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 118 and 119 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Pages 104 and 105 of John Graham's report book 1831-1833

Untitled. This drawing is a cardboard model.

Gearing et cetera of Sketch dated July 31 1835. Plan, once part of Drawing 22.